Pastor Jeannette Zajac is the Senior Pastor at The United Methodist Church at Mount Tabor. Pastor Jeannette is currently bi-vocational, working as both a software engineer and Senior Pastor. Jeannette has earned a number of degrees including teaching, computer science, software engineering, and divinity. God has been molding and shaping her and now she can use these gifts as God sees fit. Jeannette was born in Brooklyn, NY the same year the NY Jets won the Superbowl and man landed on the moon. Jeannette lived in Pennsylvania for about 30 years and attended East Stroudsburg University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Drew Theological School – ultimately settling here in NJ. The Holy Spirit continues to guide Jeannette and her growth so she can be active in the great commandment of making disciples. She is inspired by the quote “If you don’t feel a burning passion for something, how in the world can you inspire and encourage others to share it?” There is no doubt that at this time Jeannette is called to be the hands and feet of Christ and to make disciples. Pastor Jeannette’s burning passion is for the church, and loving on the people. Peace!