The United Methodist Church at Mount Tabor is a Reconciling Church

Our reconciling statement:      RMN logo

The United Methodist Church at Mount Tabor is a community of faith-filled friends who seek to grow closer to God through the ministry of Jesus Christ, and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  We celebrate the history of Mount Tabor, and look with hope toward the future.  Everyone is welcome here; everyone is cherished here; for everyone is a child of God.  All are welcome to participate with us in our journey of faith, regardless of background, theological stance, or personal characteristics.  We rejoice in God creating us to be a diverse family; and we strive to follow the Spirit’s leading as one, while maintaining and upholding our individuality.  Because of the current official stance of The United Methodist Church, we feel it is important to state a welcome to those of all sexual orientations and gender identities – You are welcome here.  God loves you just the way you are; and so do we.

About a Reconciling Church

What is it?  A Reconciling Church is a church with a welcome statement explicitly offering welcome and participation in the life of the church to those of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Why is it needed?  Reconciling Churches are needed because many denominations and individual church communities are hostile toward those of different sexual orientations and gender identities.  Those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender need to know which churches are ‘safe’ to enter.  Reconciling Churches are safe, loving communities for all people.

How does it happen?  A vote is taken at a Church Conference to adopt the welcoming statement.  (Our vote was taken on December 1, 2013).

Is it against the Book of Discipline?  No.  Our Bishop has stated it is not anti-Disciplinary to be a Reconciling Church, as there are no explicit rules being broken in doing so.

 Does it allow our pastor to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies?  Pastors are not allowed to perform same-sex ceremonies according to the Book of Discipline.  Becoming a Reconciling Church does, however, make a statement in favor of change in the Book of Discipline regarding the treatment of homosexual persons. And our church, the UMC at Mount Tabor, wrote a covenant to allow not only marriage, but baptism and communion for all: See our Covenant on our Home Page

For more information, or to express comments or concerns, see one of our Reconciling Team members, our Pastor, or visit